© Natalie Boyd Communications, 2013.
Natalie Boyd is a freelance writer living in New York City. Her work can be seen online and in print publications from around the US. Specialties include fitness, food, and education. In addition to working as a personal trainer, developing recipes for corporate clients, and writing/blogging for hire, she is currently working on her PhD in neurocognition and learning at Teacher's College, Columbia University.
Writing and editing services to promote your business, improve your communication skills, and achieve your goals.
Whether your goal is to encourage your employees and boost morale, to reach new readers and advertisers, or to add on to your existing communications, I can help. Services range in price and involvement, from simple copyediting to design, research, and writing of a blog or white paper. With extensive experience in the field, I can help your reach your target audience, no matter if that audience consists of employees, potential customers, or professors and teachers.